sensual and spiritual…
Come closer
Come, come closer... That I may touch you, embrace you, press you, embrace you, incorporate you, Love you, protect you in my cells Come close you who come from so far From the deep blue of the abyss Come closer, even closer, so that no space, no corner between us Is left outside, cold, abandoned, rejected... To know each other, we must give ourselves Completely to each other. To give and receive from the container, To know ourselves again. In silence we explore the intensity Of our secret vibrations. In the slowing down, we give ourselves space to feel... Fusions and de-fusions follow one another. The freedom of our inner movements is our only guide In this improbable dance where contact is king, and creativity, queen. So come, as you are. Naked. Close by, one more minute of eternity... In a moment, you will be far away already, Carrying in your eyes And in the heart of your bones, a little of this knowledge of the depths Alchemical mystery of which you and I know nothing But let us intuit everything...
Rési-Danse !

I am vulnerable and naked before you It doesn't matter what I wear, or what you wear, No matter the distance between us, this illusion of time and space I am yours and you are mine: We are. The heart has no boundaries in its radiance No memory, no obstruction or attachment My brother, my father, my son, my friend, my lover And none of these labels You are inspiration. We are silent blaze Sweetness of the flame, gaiety of the Woman When everything in Us is open to the sacred Energy I feel wide and full Immense smile Vast love, burning emptiness, gratitude At the burning point of the heart, There is no horizon The All unites with the All No high, no low, no debate. No beginning, no hunger Only consciousness two dies... Quietly I sat by your soul This afternoon, I invited her to breathe in my aura Shy at first, she came closer to me And we melted together Until the Source flowed And the heart became the Sun!
The Dance of Life

Body to body strings and gold...Bodies in tune In the fall and saraband you enter without knocking And I open my doors without sounding the alarm... Our bodies tuned to the water-body for eons Recognise and marry each other in rainbow arabesques You are there in my cells, lurking in the depths for a second, for a thousand years I have been waiting for you. Motionless and yet attentive To the slightest sound that runs Here you are, a strange stranger, so familiar, come to my heart Resting for a moment...I hear you... On my belly you lay a hand Feverish and cuddly...I bow. Skin against skin, breath against breath, I ignore shame and fear. I abandon myself to the happiness of the shared moment In the flow of the Ocean of Life. The meeting of our dancing cells creates electricity, a billion of what? What measure to take for the energy of a human bomb born from the shock of two open heart-bodies? You crawl towards me and I surrender myself. I slide towards you and you make your law. Pass through my battlefields, lift my horizons, embrace my waist... You promise to let me fall gently... Suddenly would be violence to my body-feeling The rose of my tenderness blooms with the sweetness of the trust I place in your hands. On your heart. It is useless to fight against the very Nature that brings us together today In this miraculous moment of spring. The grace that envelops us reveals invisible webs woven into the fabric of eternity And we, tiny spiders hanging on our invisible thread, knit together: Jumpers of wild silk, shawls of mohair, delicate cotton, indigos of linen, Shakespearean cashmere... 100,000 needles that don't sting cause tremors in our butterfly bodies Sparks of pure joy light up the dark and motionless caverns, suddenly awakened by A drum roll: the song of the bodies mingled with the gods. Harmony and fullness tasted here together On the cow floor, connected to Heaven, which, For once, doesn't fall on our heads But blesses us with its emerald green ray The magic of the encounter of two graces us with the One, passing through the Three. What if this was the Dance of Life?